Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why the 301 Redirect is a must ?

What is 301 redirect?

    301 redirect is the best method to preserve your current search engine rankings when redirecting web pages or a website. The code "301" is interpreted as "moved permanently". After the code, the URL of the missing or renamed page is noted, followed by a space, then followed by the new location or file name. 

                                                 Get robots to the right address
    One of the fundamental elements in search engine optimization is making the indexation of a website as easy as possible. That is why we create the Robots.txt file and the XML sitemap. I think the 301 redirect of the non-www to the www or visa-versa, is on the same level of creating ease for the search engines.

Links to the Right Address 

    There are many who worry about not getting the full link benefit of redirected anchor text links. Doing the redirect can help would-be linkers know which is the proper address to use when linking. Getting the right link from the beginning is still ideal and should prove to be more beneficial.


301 redirects are particularly useful in the following circumstances  

  • You've moved your site to a new domain, and you want to make the transition as seamless as possible.

  • People access your site through several different URLs. If, for example, your home page can be reached in multiple ways - for instance,,, or - it's a good idea to pick one of those URLs as your preferred (canonical) destination, and use 301 redirects to send traffic from the other URLs to your preferred URL. 

  • You're merging two websites and want to make sure that links to outdated URLs are redirected to the correct pages.

    At Levonsys we use cutting edge, targeted Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing techniques to maximize relevant traffic to your web site. Our SEO strategies are dynamic and designed to produce long-term results.



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