Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Optimizing the Title Tag for SEO

What is a Title Tag?

    A title tag is a piece of HTML code that describes a specific web pages content through a keyword query that a person types into a search engine. Title Tags are a very important guide for all search engines in determining what is in the content of a specific web page. Creating a relevant title tag is one of the most important variables in achieving high search engine positioning.

    For most search engines, the maximum length of a title tag to be displayed is between 60-70 characters. If your title tag is over 70 characters, your title will be cut off around 70 characters on the search results page. Search engine spiders use these title tags as the main source for determining the page topic. Spiders or crawlers examine the title and then translate the topic of the page. This is one reason why it is always best to use your keywords in the page title, and to place them as close to the beginning of the title as possible. Remember, the text included in the title tag is also the text that will appear in the SERPs (search engine results pages) as the linked title on which users will click to access your page. In fact, just fixing the title tags of your pages can often generate quick and significant improvements in your rankings.

    Keyword Performance hopes you have found this information a helpful tip in building an effective search engine optimization marketing strategy. Feel free to utilize any other information within our website to help with a better understand and maximize your search engine performance.

    For any successful online business, a significant presence in search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN is a must. At Levonsys we Optimize your website and Increase the traffic. We make your website appear in the top positions in the results of major Search Engines.


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