Levonsys has been providing IT services and mission critical applications in the fields of Health Care, Education, eCommerce and Consulting Services to customers across geographies. We specialize in building long term development teams for our customers meeting technological and communication needs at various time zones effectively.
Introducing Our Product - Global Campus
Global Campus 1.0 is an integrated software suite created to improve the efficiency of schools and reduce costs, improve their management and administration processes. It is a complete Education Practice Management System compliant to K-12 public, independent, charter Schools as well as Colleges and Universities.
EPMS eliminates the pain endured by the common schools in their day to day operations by focusing on each aspect of the School Practice Management.
EPMS ensures that these processes are smoothly managed with little or no effort.
EPMS specially focuses on the security of the school data.
EPMS does not warrant any huge upfront deployment costs.
EPMS also does not require a large team of trained professionals to manage the mundane maintenance tasks of any given school.
EPMS would assist the school management, faculties, students and the parents in getting an up to date information at their finger tips.Features
Global Campus 1.0 combines a range of completely customizable features into one robust and versatile software suite developed using State-of-the-art cloud computing architecture and designed to meet the ever growing demand of the academic community.
- School Setup - Time Table
- Course Management - Transport Management
- Admissions - Grade Book
- Asset Management - Finance
- Assessments - Reporting
- Curriculum - Online Learning
- Performance Monitoring - Smart Card Enabled Attendance
- Student Records - Parent Portal
- Calendar - Report Cards
- Automatic SMS & E-mail Systems - Scholarships
Technology Features
Global Campus Application is developed using latest & niche evolving technologies, deployed on an “Asp.Net” model architecture. It provides the responsiveness and convenience of traditional desktop software,while displaying real-time data to multiple users of the system based in different locations.
- Schools do not require complex infrastructure.
- Schools need not install or purchase the application.
- We use bank level security to protect your information.
- Free from daily maintenance hassles including anti-virus and malwares.
- No system failure, computer crashes, virus attack, vandalism, natural disasters and power failures can affect the data.
- Enables students, parents, teachers and administration staff to access the system from anywhere at anytime.
Covers complete needs for regulatory compliance & government norms, enhanced 24/7 chat, emails,telephones and local representative support, free software upgrades around the year, free SMS and emailalerts on various events and important bulletin.
A local analyst deployed at the school premises for data inputs and updates effective utilization and maintenance of resources.
Student Services
- Smart card enabled photo identity, access and attendance management.
- Grades (Monthly/Quarterly/Annual assessment results).
- Competitive Assessment Records (Olympiads etc).
- Extra curricular activities records (Sports/Math club/Social etc).
- Monthly/Quarterly/Annual Reviews.
- Course, Library, Cafeteria Management.
- Hostel and Transport Management.
- Question Banks and Online Assessments.
- Students groups change / school change within the group of schools.
- Issuance and tracking of transfer certificate.
Faculty Services
- Teacher skill set tracking & management.
- Teacher credential recording, awards and recognitions.
- Class scheduling system.
- Question paper preparation and paper correction scheduling.
- Teacher disciplinary records.
- Teacher tendency.
- Periodic performance review and promotions.
- Teacher extra curricular activities & abilities.
- Teacher medical health history.
- Teacher transfer requests within the same school and group of schools.
- Transport and Library Management.
- Cafeteria and Hostel Management.
- Automated pre-admission & post-admission process.
- Enhanced reports and data security.
- Government compliances, updates & Audit reports.
- SMS & Email to parents on arrival, departure, important events & notifications.
- Centralized repository of student & staff records.
- Easy monitoring of assets & maintenance status.
- Effective time table management system & schedules adhered with instant rescheduling facility.
- Simplifi ed registration process with detailed user profiling.
- Smart card enabled access & identity management.
- Automated data back up and periodic reports.
- 24/7 online customer support system. - Automated anti virus updates.
Library Management
- Complete Library Inventory Management.
- Track the number of books available for lending.
- Reports on number of books pending submission.
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly magazine and other regular issues maintenance.
- Penalties and lost book complaints.
Asset Management Services
- Categorize & Record various assets of the school.
- Conduct Period Asset Audit for all the asset categories.
- Manage the warranty and maintenance records of the Assets.
- Insurance and claim details of the Assets.
- Periodically deliver Asset Utilization Report.
- Backup of asset information at laboratories, gym, activity rooms etc.
- Track the number of instruments and sports equipments at the premises and the ones the students are entitled to borrow from school.
Transport Management Services
- Define and manage various student pickup routes.
- Transport staff scheduling.
- Transport vehicle maintenance scheduling.
- Transport operational cost and maintenance cost tracking.
- Transport fee collection from students.
- Transport incident management (Accidents, Breakdowns etc.)
- Holiday vehicle usage scheduling and tracking.
- Chartered trip details and history.
- Regular maintenance and repair information of every vehicle.
Hostel Management
- Hostel Admission Process.
- Fee Collection System.
- Enhanced reports on hostel administration.
- Allocate rooms for students, faculties and staffs.
- Smart card enabled access management system.
- Member Tracking.
- Day to day administration process.
- Basic Asset & Inventory Management.
- Track, record and report fines & damages.
- Cafeteria Management.
- Entertainment program scheduling & monitoring.
- Customized Reports.
Dashboards & Reports
- Application based and user defined reports available for anytime access.
- Saved filters for ease of use.
- Module wise one click reports for students, faculty, hostel, library, grades etc.
- On demand reports for performance, attendance, asset, scholarship, transport, fees, faculty, library, hostel, assessments etc.
- Completely customizable dashboards.
- Access controlled user management system made available for appropriate access of information and reports.
- Data security among individual dashboards and access to reports.
At Levonsys, we strive to deliver quality solutions by using technology and our vast experience. We offer services like Website Design, Branding, Flash Design, Mobile Applications, Custom Web Applications and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).